A new wine festival comes to downtown orlando

It will be an epic evening of wine tasting, sampling and fierce wine competition in the heart of downtown Orlando at Lake Eola.

Wine Wars is a competitive wine tasting festival to benefit a local charity, where the winning team will take home up to 150 bottles of wine at the end of the evening.

Visitors enjoy a day filled with exciting competitions, exquisite wines and making a difference for a great cause.

When: March 23

Where: Lake Eola (downtown Orlando)

Time: 5pm – 9pm

If you are in Orlando and want to live this experience click on the image to purchase your tickets.

At Wine Wars, every game played and every glass of wine enjoyed contributes to a great cause. With each victory, participants not only win prizes, but also have a positive impact on the community.

@maite-burgos Fuente: Wine Wars Oficial



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