DePailots releases ‘Syrena’ A funky seduction song

The song is inspired by the syrenas as muses and how they used their songs to trap the sailors of the sea. The track explores funk and jazz sounds.

DePailots is a Colombian ska punk band born in 2018 in Bogota under the premise of creating a project that fuses multiple musical styles with the energy and forcefulness representative of the genre. With this innovative spirit, Diego García (founder) began the search for those who would be the new pilots, within which are currently Ricardo Segura (saxophone), Duván Soto (drums), Nicolás Siachoque (guitar and vocals), Diego García (bass and vocals) and Emanuel Ledesma (trombone).

The intention of their musical proposal seeks to keep the energy up of the listener, defining their own sound that fuses the strength and aggressiveness of punk rock and hardcore, with the energy and forcefulness of ska, the flavor of reggae and other musical colors that DePailots explores to make the audience fly like kamikazes. Their lyrics are passionate, dramatic, romantic, social and imaginative.

“Our intention has always been to talk about issues of everyday life as individuals and as part of a society from a different rhetoric, a voice that allows us to address common issues in music, but with a different expression,” the group comments.

Syrena’ is the new single by DePailots, a song that was born in a jam where the members of the group implemented funk with the guitars, recreating in the winds the cuts and expressiveness of the big jazz bands, with a solid base between the bass and drums. The song is inspired by the syrenas as muses and how they used their songs to catch the sailors of the sea.

Without leaving the power of distortion, the forcefulness of the riffs and the dynamics of the unison cuts, elements that have been evolving in the sound of Depailots, in this song the band explores more elements of funk. To finish giving color to the song, the band invited Sebastián Wiesner (tenor saxophone) who performed the solos and harmonized the brass that the pilots made for this song.

“It’s a perfect song when people are tired of the swaying waves of love, when they need a space to elevate their energy and have already exhausted their mind with negative thoughts. When they need an injection of energy and joy,” adds the band from Bogota.

The video of the song was worked from the myth of the syrenas. In the clip, the main syrena calls each member of the band with her song. To give a twist to the story and personality to each member, we looked for characters that came to the syrena party. The technique of the audiovisual work, driven by self-management, was to use the cross between cut paper and the technique developed by Walt Disney for his animations.

“Syrena” is one of three songs that DePailots has worked on in the last few months since the pandemic. The first one was ‘Antinatura’ which was part of the musical compilation No Travel Kit 2. ‘Syrena’ is the second single that seeks to change the dynamics of the group’s proposal showing a broader facet. The third single will be released in September. Three songs that seek to expand the sound of the band and give dynamism to their sound.

@alex-martinez – Source: Diego Báez.

Alexandra Martínez

Alexandra Martínez
Journalist - Periodista
Bogotá - Colombia

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