Sat Colibrí presents ‘Venice’ A hymn about the great power of human love

Sat Colibri presents the video for their song ‘Venice’ inspired by passion and the human capacity to create places as emblematic as Venice. The single is an anthem about the great power of human love. In the video, the artist presents his dual attire, composed of the hummingbird mask and a full leather suit representing the spiritual and animal parts, respectively.

With ‘Venice’, Sat Colibrí reminds us that the power of love is capable of achieving things as beautiful as the emblematic Italian city and that today, more than ever, we need to remember and activate that power; ‘Venice’ is the second single from the Colombian musician’s album ‘Interdimensión’.

Directed by Sergio Mantilla and produced by Articular Lab, the clip shows Sat Colibrí walking through a series of real and virtual landscapes, loaded with symbols, contemplation and visual questions. Created as a visual poem about dualism and transcendence, the video also shows parts of the spiritual exploration that Sat has lived during the pandemic.

“The idea of presenting a journey that passes through rock quarries and ends in the wasteland is to show the duality of two worlds capable of expressing the dualism that characterizes us as human beings, like yin and yang. For their part, the quarries are a tragic and beautiful place at the same time, a kind of prophecy about what may end up being our passage through the earth, where there are only rocks and machines where before there were forests, wetlands and animals. And the páramo, on the other hand, is a place where life is reborn, is the source, where fractals are everywhere and in microscopic and giant sizes at the same time.”

Said Sat Colibri.

The image of a blinking blue eye, which opens and closes the video, makes it clear that everything seen occurs within the consciousness of the observer. At the back of his pupils appears the silhouette of Sat Colibrí, who begins the introscopic journey, as defined by the artist, which passes through mountains, rock quarries, darkness and finally, the lagoon and the beautiful moor.

The shooting of the video clip took place in quarries and moors near Bogota and in the artist’s workshop located in the Colombian capital.

“Now, although the song is titled ‘Venice’, there are no images of the Italian city. But the reason is simple: this song is inspired by Venice to talk about that human love capable of building things as extraordinary as Venice, and the video is precisely a journey towards the only place where that power to love will always be found: our inner self, our link with the great consciousness,” concludes the musician.

@juanse-contreras Fuente: Source Diego Armando Baez

Alexandra Martínez

Alexandra Martínez
Journalist - Periodista
Bogotá - Colombia

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