Karmadame the new single of Zoé.

ZOÉ is the band that represents the renewal of Rock in Spanish, the exploration of deep sounds accompanying the poetic recital of Leon Larregui’s voice alter the calm of space with their new song Karmadame.

After presenting SKR and Fiebre, Zoé returns with Karmadame, the third preview of her seventh studio album Sonidos de Karmática Resonancia.

The notoriety of Zoé begins in the moment that they change everything constructed in their works of study predecessors to explore different routes in search of a new sound, the formula of the success, to stay more and more current, progressive and evolved.

To go into their history is to find a band that has gone through 7 chrysalides of evolution represented in each of their albums, one different from the other, as if they were embarking on an odyssey of epic fantasy that makes them go through all kinds of musical landscapes until they find that magical object that gives life to their songs.

‘It’s like a reflection of oneself speaking to me and the people who listen. It speaks of the dharma’,

said Leon about the content of the song that he said is a recurring theme in his life since his trip to India in 2013.

Thus, after reading books like the ‘Mahabhárata’ and the dialogue of Arjuna and Krishna in the ‘Bhagavad-gitá’, the concepts of karma and dharma remained in it and were the source of inspiration for ‘Karmadame’.

‘Dharma is the path of virtue, the right path, and karma is what one does, what defines where you are, where you are going, and where you are coming from. This song talks about these two concepts and about reincarnation at the end of the day, of having been up and down, that we have been everything,’ he mentioned.

Said León Larregui

We just have to wait for the official date when the full album will be released; the advances we have so far give us to understand that it will be a unique and unmatched work with what has been done so far in the Spanish-speaking rock music, because we are always looking for the Sounds of Karma Resonance.
