5 recommended movies of 2020, in 5 languages

2020 has been a year of social changes, every day this transformation modifies people’s thinking and behavior, freedom of opinion, free expression and global union with social causes, are weakening the paradigms of the past, cinema as Cultural representation this year has delighted us with multicultural displays in different languages ​​but with the same message, humanity and all its nuances.

We find a List of films in different languages that adapt to this concept, the first three are on Netflix, the fourth is waiting for its next release in cinemas and the fifth is a wonderful documentary.

1. Da 5 Bloods

“Spike Lee captures an honest, unforgettable, and epic tale of four Vietnam War veterans known as” Da Bloods “(played by Delroy Lindo, Clarke Peters, Norm Lewis, and Isiah Whitlock Jr.) who want to retrieve buried treasure. That it’s just the plot. What is simmering is Lee’s fury at how the heroism of black soldiers has been forgotten in history, and not just in Vietnam, but from the American revolution to the Donald Trump era. “

2. The hole

“The claustrophobic Netflix thriller tells the story of prisoners in El hoyo, a prison that privileges those above and punishes those below. In it is Goreng (Iván Massagué), a man who offered to be there for change of a homologated title. In his stay he witnesses the lack of humanity and madness that man can reach. Delusion, silence and confinement make the film a sample of the same human nature “

3. Ultras

“Soccer is also an illusion of passion that brings together lonely and marginalized men in rituals mediated by violence. The transformation of masculinity, maturation and the repetition of cycles of unconsciousness is portrayed from an angle that does justice to tradition Italian audiovisual “

4. The King of Staten Island

“Pete Davidson, a Staten Island native Saturday Night Live favorite, suffered the death of his father on 9/11 while working as a firefighter. He was barely seven years old when the tragedy occurred. With the invaluable work of the director and co-writer Judd Apatow, the comedian uses his own story to play Scott, a derailed twentysomething. He still lives with his nurse mother (Marisa Tomei) and spends more time smoking pot than pursuing his career as a tattoo artist. It is very challenging to build a raucous and funny story mixed with pain and depression, but Davidson shows his acting skills by polishing his life with something funny, moving and essential “

5. La fortaleza

“Without interviews or voiceovers, Andrés Torres’s documentary about Jorge, a young man committed in body and soul to supporting his football team, Atlético Bucaramanga, transgressed the boundaries between fiction and non-fiction cinema and became brings us closer to the fascinating world of barra bravas in Colombia. The fortress shows us how the lack of expectations, the violence and the misery of the context in which many young people live, is sublimated in a fierce and excessive passion for soccer “

Source: Rolling Stones magazine

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