Urban art. Capital cities, where all the cultural development of a nation begins, some characterized by its gray skies, its asphalted streets typical of architectural modernism, awakens in its inhabitants a unique passion for everything that breaks the circular scheme of daily life, making great noise, fashion bursts as a mechanism that gives hegemony to all those brave attempts to give identity to an almost generic one-color world.


Fashion. It has been a mechanism of free expression that clothed all the development of societies, ideologies or spheres created by the imaginary of human beings in our eagerness to find a unique identity that differentiates us from our peers. The stereotypes have assured us that fashion is a topic that only interests women, being sincere is an absolute fallacy, because there is no more expressive symbol of development than a good suit that dresses a society.

What is trend is actuality, it is the present, it is the mirror by which we look each other before going out into the world, to demonstrate an intention, each garment that we put on is a message with meaning, each color chosen is a symbol and Once we combine those symbols, we form a set that becomes an outfit, that even being mute, tells others in our ear, our intentions, our ideals, our tastes, our own story an indecent whisper that warns a selfish caprice

For Bogota citizens, fashion as an industry has become an important impetus for the city’s economy, which goes beyond being an income base, but also becomes a benchmark for design and creativity for all. the people that we inhabit in the city.

BFW 2018 [Carmen Camacho] - Copyright © 2018 Andres Herbas Photography-28

To encourage the growth of this guild, the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota organizes Bogotá Fashion Week, an ideal space for the main players in the industry to demonstrate on the catwalk, the good reputation that the Colombian textile tradition forged




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