XXX International Festival of Free Theater Jazz

From May 15 to May 20 was held in Bogotá in XXX International Jazz Festival Free Theater, extra, 5 to April 24 you can purchase your subscriptions to free jazz festival theater with a special discount

To say that America is the new continent holds under a concept all cultural and social revolutions that developed from the discovery and colonization of these territories through the centuries the Colonizing wake worked as a machine that mixed all cultures, traditions, rituals and beliefs of the people who already inhabited this land and those who wanted to take ownership of them come from Europe.

For the birth of various cultural, additional movements, miscegenation generated a whole shed new sounds, movements and stagings born of all the genetic impression they brought the outlaws, in this case, New Orleans was the center of the scene, thanks to its full load thrilling derived from the movements of slaves, who, for years endured all the oppression of a nation that took them as objects of property.

New Orleans horn legends Joe “King” Oliver (standing at the center) and Louis Armstrong (kneeling) were held at a jazz concert

Sundays in the Plaza del Congo (New Orleans), the ground vibrated to the rhythm of the sounds produced by low basic percussion instruments and strings, dances brought from the African continent appreciated in perfect motion, ecclesiastical influence forced most songs were direct allegory of the psalms of the Bible, this stimulated the fusion of African American songs with European musical styles, the result of this mixture produced a powerful and original music that retained a powerful charge of melancholy.

The Jazz has generated admiration worldwide despite being a traditional rhythm of some places in the United States, in Bogota for 30 years, this music is celebrated with a festival great prestige in Latin America, following its tradition will be presented in June concerts that bring together great jazz figures.

Main poster of the Festival


This year, his 30th birthday, the Free Theater Foundation decided to change the dates of the International Jazz Festival: this year will be in May, from 15 to 20.

For this year the Festival brings five international figures of different nationalities and with their own rhythms: the Tunisian singer and lute player Dhafer Youssef, one of the best acoustic jazz ensembles in the United States, Davina & The Vagabonds, the French pianist Jacky Terrasson, the renowned Norwegian group Espen Eriksen Trio and the famous American trumpeter, former director of Carnegie Hall, Jon Faddis. source.http: //teatrolibre.com


Davina & The Vagabonds

The group was formed in 2005. Since then, it is considered one of the best acoustic jazz ensembles in the United States. Their concerts are unforgettable because the group has a great live show. In recent years, Davina & The Vagabonds have been presented in 45 states of the United States, in Canada and in 12 European countries.


Jon Faddis

(One of the invited artists). He is one of the most important trumpeters of today. I play along with Charles Mingus. In New York he recorded records with musicians and bands like Duke Ellington, Frank Sinatra, Rolling Stones or Billy Joel. As a soloist he has recorded eleven albums, one of them nominated for the Grammy®. He was, for ten years, director of the Carnegie Hall Jazz Band, with which he directed more than forty concerts, and for six years the director of the Chicago Jazz Ensemble. Currently, Faddis conducts his own orchestra in New York.


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