Corferias Bogotá – International Business Center, International Book Fair of Bogotá 2018, Bogotá, Colombia.

The International Book Fair of Bogotá (FILBO)

From April 17 to May 2, 2018 the Bogota International Book Fair (FILBO) will be held in Bogotá, in Citilennial we tell you everything you need to enjoy this event in the best way.

Flying is the dream of the human being, to reach so far and unknown directions that it is difficult to take the same road back home, to get lost, to find in the search of the return a thousand stories to tell, each one different from the other, because they repeat are duplicated to improve, to lead us to live many lives, we can be what we want, what the authors want us to be, what the protagonists make us feel in their own flesh.

The books have been the most important legacies of humanity we have inherited from one generation to the next, without the books it would not have been possible to discover the trips around the world, to the very center of the earth, the navigators turned into castaways would not count their stories about mythological white whales, the loneliness of a people would never have lasted 100 years, we would not even know the eternal arrow that crossed the blind gaze of a man to dig deep into the heel of Achilles.

This flight is within our reach, by purchasing a book, we are making the reservation for a trip that takes off to


the imagination emanated from the depths of knowledge, we approach that journey that will take us to inexhaustible worlds, when reading it, we land on strange or known soils , dark or colorful, lonely or accompanied, death or life, a magical realism or a degraded realism; to delimit an indelible line of what divides reality from fiction.

The Latin American literature has left a legacy of literary works for the world, which is why, at present, young people are attracted by the letters and authors interested in presenting their works,

 from the academy, teachers and students stimulate participation at the book fair, opening a window to show the whole world a city interested in

 promoting culture as a means to reach development, because the most important wealth that a nation has is the intellectual creative capacity possessed by the individuals that are part of it of that society.

This year the book fair has Argentina as the guest of honor

“In Argentina, approximately 80 million copies and 30,000 titles per year are published exclusively by local publishers, a trend that has doubled in the last 20 years. Tradition and avant-garde that each year combine to give rise to numerous new titles “quote taken Filbo 2018 website

Para que tengas más información del evento ingresa FILBO 2018

Filbo 2018
Filbo 2018

To finish, we quote a quote from Mario Mendoza, a Bogota author who will be part of this fair.

The one who reads is many, the one who reads multiplies, subdivides and proliferates, the one who reads lives many lives, the one who does not read only lives one.



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